Source code for sensirion_shdlc_sfa3x.device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2020 Sensirion AG, Switzerland

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from sensirion_shdlc_driver import ShdlcDeviceBase
from .device_errors import SFA3X_DEVICE_ERROR_LIST
from .commands import \
    Sfa3xCmdStartContinuousMeasurement, \
    Sfa3xCmdStopMeasurement, \
    Sfa3xCmdReadMeasuredValuesOutputFormat2, \
    Sfa3xCmdGetDeviceMarking, \
from .response_types import FormaldehydeConcentration, Humidity, Temperature

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Sfa3xShdlcDevice(ShdlcDeviceBase): """ SFA3x device. This is a low-level driver which just provides all SHDLC commands as Python methods. Typically, calling a method sends one SHDLC request to the device and interprets its response. There is no higher level functionality available, please look for other drivers if you need a higher level interface. There is no (or very few) caching functionality in this driver. For example if you call :func:`get_device_marking` 100 times, it will send the command 100 times over the SHDLC interface to the device. This makes the driver (nearly) stateless. """
[docs] def __init__(self, connection, slave_address): """ Create a SFA3x device instance on an SHDLC connection. .. note:: This constructor does not communicate with the device, so it's possible to instantiate an object even if the device is not connected or powered yet. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_driver.connection.ShdlcConnection connection: The connection used for the communication. :param byte slave_address: The address of the device. The default address of the SFA3x is 0. """ super(Sfa3xShdlcDevice, self).__init__(connection, slave_address) self._register_device_errors(SFA3X_DEVICE_ERROR_LIST)
[docs] def get_device_marking(self): """ Gets the device marking from the device. :return: The device marking as an ASCII string. :rtype: string """ return self.execute(Sfa3xCmdGetDeviceMarking())
[docs] def device_reset(self): """ Execute a device reset (reboot firmware, similar to power cycle). """ self.execute(Sfa3xCmdDeviceReset())
[docs] def start_measurement(self): """ Starts continuous measurement in polling mode. .. note:: This command is only available in idle mode. """ self.execute(Sfa3xCmdStartContinuousMeasurement())
[docs] def stop_measurement(self): """ Leaves the measurement mode and returns to the idle mode. .. note:: This command is only available in measurement mode. """ self.execute(Sfa3xCmdStopMeasurement())
[docs] def read_measured_values(self): """ Returns the new measurement results. :return: The measured formaldehyde concentration, humidity and temperature. - hcho (:py:class:`~sensirion_shdlc_sfa3x.response_types.FormaldehydeConcentration`) - Formaldehyde concentration response object. - humidity (:py:class:`~sensirion_shdlc_sfa3x.response_types.Humidity`) - Humidity response object. - temperature (:py:class:`~sensirion_shdlc_sfa3x.response_types.Temperature`) - Temperature response object. :rtype: tuple :raises ~sensirion_shdlc_sfa3x.device_errors.Sfa3xNoMeasurementDataAvailable: If the measure mode was not started, or it was started but no measurement results are available yet. After starting the measurement, you have to wait at least 1 Second before reading any results. """ # noqa: E501 hcho, rh, t = self.execute(Sfa3xCmdReadMeasuredValuesOutputFormat2()) return FormaldehydeConcentration(hcho), Humidity(rh), Temperature(t)