Quick StartΒΆ

Following example code shows how the driver is intended to be used:

import time
from sensirion_shdlc_driver import ShdlcSerialPort, ShdlcConnection
from sensirion_shdlc_sfa3x import Sfa3xShdlcDevice

# Connect to the device with default settings:
#  - baudrate:      115200
#  - slave address: 0
with ShdlcSerialPort(port='COM1', baudrate=115200) as port:
    device = Sfa3xShdlcDevice(ShdlcConnection(port), slave_address=0)

    # Print device information
    print("Device Marking: {}".format(device.get_device_marking()))

    # Start measurement
    print("Measurement started... ")
    while True:
        hcho, humidity, temperature = device.read_measured_values()
        # use default formatting for printing output:
        print("{}, {}, {}".format(hcho, humidity, temperature))