Source code for sensirion_shdlc_sfc5xxx.definitions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2020 Sensirion AG, Switzerland

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from enum import IntEnum

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Sfc5xxxScaling(IntEnum): """ An enum containing all available scaling variants with their corresponding byte values how they are transmitted over SHDLC. """ NORMALIZED = 0x00 #: Normalized to range [0...1]. PHYSICAL = 0x01 #: Physical value with unit and fullscale of calibration. USER_DEFINED = 0x02 #: User defined unit and scaling as configured.
[docs]class Sfc5xxxValveInputSource(IntEnum): """ An enum containing all available valve input sources with their corresponding byte values how they are transmitted over SHDLC. """ CONTROLLER = 0x00 #: Driven by the flow controller (default). FORCE_CLOSED = 0x01 #: Force closed (valve remains fully closed). FORCE_OPEN = 0x02 #: Force open (valve remains fully open). HOLD = 0x03 #: Hold the voltage on the valve. USER_DEFINED = 0x10 #: Apply user defined value (needs to be configured!).