Quick Start

Following example code shows how the driver is intended to use:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from sensirion_shdlc_driver import ShdlcSerialPort, ShdlcConnection
from sensirion_shdlc_sfc5xxx import Sfc5xxxShdlcDevice, Sfc5xxxScaling, \
    Sfc5xxxValveInputSource, Sfc5xxxUnitPrefix, Sfc5xxxUnit, \
    Sfc5xxxUnitTimeBase, Sfc5xxxMediumUnit

# Connect to the device with default settings:
#  - baudrate:      115200
#  - slave address: 0
with ShdlcSerialPort(port='COM1', baudrate=115200) as port:
    device = Sfc5xxxShdlcDevice(ShdlcConnection(port), slave_address=0)

    # Print some device information
    print("Version: {}".format(device.get_version()))
    print("Product Name: {}".format(device.get_product_name()))
    print("Article Code: {}".format(device.get_article_code()))
    print("Serial Number: {}".format(device.get_serial_number()))

    # List all available calibration blocks
    print("Available gas calibration blocks:")
    for i in range(device.get_number_of_calibrations()):
        if device.get_calibration_validity(i):
            gas = device.get_calibration_gas_description(i)
            fullscale = device.get_calibration_fullscale(i)
            unit = device.get_calibration_gas_unit(i)
            print(" - {}: {:.2f} {} {}".format(i, fullscale, unit, gas))

    # Select gas calibration 0 (usually there is a calibration at index 0)

    # Get some information about the currently active gas calibration
    print("Calibration Gas: {}".format(device.get_current_gas_description()))
    print("Calibration Fullscale: {}".format(device.get_current_fullscale()))
    print("Calibration Unit: {}".format(device.get_current_gas_unit()))

    # Set user defined flow unit to sccm so we don't have to care about
    # the actual calibration unit of the connected MFC
    unit = Sfc5xxxMediumUnit(

    # Get the flow fullscale in the user defined medium unit (i.e. sccm)
    fullscale = device.get_user_defined_fullscale()
    print("Fullscale: {:.2f} {}".format(fullscale, unit))

    # Set flow setpoint to 100sccm
    device.set_setpoint(100, Sfc5xxxScaling.USER_DEFINED)

    # Read single flow value
    flow = device.read_measured_value(Sfc5xxxScaling.USER_DEFINED)
    print("Measured Flow: {:.2f} {}".format(flow, unit))

    # Read single temperature value
    temperature = device.measure_temperature()
    print("Measured Temperature: {:.2f} °C".format(temperature))

    # Read whole flow value buffer
    buffer = device.read_measured_value_buffer(Sfc5xxxScaling.USER_DEFINED)
    print("Lost Values (Buffer Overrun): {}".format(buffer.lost_values))
    print("Sampling Time of Values: {:.3f} s".format(buffer.sampling_time))
    print("Buffered Flow Values: {}".format(buffer.values))

    # Purge system by fully opening the valve for 1s

    # Perform a device reset (reboot firmware)