Source code for sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.commands.i2c_transceive

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2020 Sensirion AG, Switzerland

#                 _____         _    _ _______ _____ ____  _   _
#                / ____|   /\  | |  | |__   __|_   _/ __ \| \ | |
#               | |       /  \ | |  | |  | |    | || |  | |  \| |
#               | |      / /\ \| |  | |  | |    | || |  | | . ` |
#               | |____ / ____ \ |__| |  | |   _| || |__| | |\  |
#                \_____/_/    \_\____/   |_|  |_____\____/|_| \_|
# Generator:    sensirion-shdlc-interface-generator 0.5.1
# Product:      Sensor Bridge
# Version:      0.1.0

# flake8: noqa

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from sensirion_shdlc_driver.command import ShdlcCommand
from struct import pack, unpack

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SensorBridgeCmdI2cTransceiveBase(ShdlcCommand): """ SHDLC command 0x11: "I2c Transceive". """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SensorBridgeCmdI2cTransceiveBase, self).__init__( 0x11, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SensorBridgeCmdFirstTransceive(SensorBridgeCmdI2cTransceiveBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, port, i2c_address, tx_length, rx_length, timeout_us, tx_data): """ First Transceive Command First frame of a transceive command. :param int port: The port where the transceive should be executed: - 0x00: Port 1 - 0x01: Port 2 :param int i2c_address: I2C address of the targeted device. :param int tx_length: Number of bytes to send. This amount of bytes has to be attached to the command. Set to zero if only read header is needed. :param int rx_length: Number of bytes to receive. This amount of bytes are returned as response. Set to zero if no read operation is needed. :param int timeout_us: I2C timeout in microseconds when reading bytes. If a frame is NACK'd it will be retried up to the timeout value. Same applies for clock stretching. :param bytes tx_data: Bytes to send (if any). """ super(SensorBridgeCmdFirstTransceive, self).__init__( data=b"".join([bytes(bytearray([0x00])), pack(">B", port), pack(">B", i2c_address), pack(">I", tx_length), pack(">I", rx_length), pack(">I", timeout_us), bytes(bytearray(tx_data))]), max_response_time=10.0, post_processing_time=0.0, min_response_length=0, max_response_length=255 )
[docs] @staticmethod def interpret_response(data): """ :return: If needed/available, the bytes from the I2C read are returned. :rtype: bytes """ rx_data = bytes(data[0:]) # bytearray return rx_data
[docs]class SensorBridgeCmdSubsequentTransceive(SensorBridgeCmdI2cTransceiveBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, port, tx_data): """ Subsequent Transceive Command Subsequent frame of a transceive command. :param int port: The port where the transceive should be executed: - 0x00: Port 1 - 0x01: Port 2 :param bytes tx_data: Bytes to send (if any). """ super(SensorBridgeCmdSubsequentTransceive, self).__init__( data=b"".join([bytes(bytearray([0x01])), pack(">B", port), bytes(bytearray(tx_data))]), max_response_time=10.0, post_processing_time=0.0, min_response_length=0, max_response_length=255 )
[docs] @staticmethod def interpret_response(data): """ :return: If needed/available, the bytes from the I2C read are returned. :rtype: bytes """ rx_data = bytes(data[0:]) # bytearray return rx_data