Source code for sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2020 Sensirion AG, Switzerland

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from sensirion_shdlc_driver import ShdlcDevice, ShdlcFirmwareUpdate
from .device_errors import SENSORBRIDGE_DEVICE_ERROR_LIST
from .firmware_image import SensorBridgeFirmwareImage
from .definitions import port_to_byte, voltage_to_byte, \
    i2c_frequency_to_byte, spi_frequency_to_byte
from .types import RepeatedTransceiveHandle, ReadBufferResponse
from .commands import \
    SensorBridgeCmdSetPortVoltage, \
    SensorBridgeCmdPortVoltageOnOff, \
    SensorBridgeCmdSetI2cFrequency, \
    SensorBridgeCmdI2cScan, \
    SensorBridgeCmdFirstTransceive, \
    SensorBridgeCmdSubsequentTransceive, \
    SensorBridgeCmdI2cRepeatedTransceive, \
    SensorBridgeCmdReadBuffer, \
    SensorBridgeCmdStopRepeatedTransceive, \
    SensorBridgeCmdSpiConfig, \
    SensorBridgeCmdSpiTransceive, \
    SensorBridgeCmdBlink, \
from struct import pack, unpack

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SensorBridgeShdlcDevice(ShdlcDevice): """ SEK-SensorBridge device. This is a low-level driver which just provides all SHDLC commands as Python methods. Typically, calling a method sends one SHDLC request to the device and interprets its response. There is no higher level functionality available, please look for other drivers if you need a higher level interface. There is no (or very few) caching functionality in this driver. For example if you call :func:`get_serial_number` 100 times, it will send the command 100 times over the SHDLC interface to the device. This makes the driver (nearly) stateless. """
[docs] def __init__(self, connection, slave_address): """ Create a SensorBridge device instance on an SHDLC connection. .. note:: This constructor does not communicate with the device, so it's possible to instantiate an object even if the device is not connected or powered yet. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_driver.connection.ShdlcConnection connection: The connection used for the communication. :param byte slave_address: The address of the device. The default address of the SEK-SensorBridge is 0. """ super(SensorBridgeShdlcDevice, self).__init__( connection, slave_address ) self._register_device_errors(SENSORBRIDGE_DEVICE_ERROR_LIST)
[docs] def measure_voltage(self, port): """ Triggers an analog measurement at the AIN pin. The measured voltage is always positive and in the range of 0-5.5V. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port where the measurement should be executed. Note that :py:attr:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort.ALL` is not supported here. :return: Measured voltage in Volts. :rtype: float """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=False) value = self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdAnalogMeasurement(raw_port)) # Workaround for firmware issue: # Change endianness of returned float value. Sensor bridge firmware uses # little-endian to transfer the float, but SHDLC expects a big-endian. return float(unpack("<f", pack(">f", value))[0])
[docs] def set_supply_voltage(self, port, voltage): """ Sets the supply voltage of a port to a certain value. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port(s) where the voltage should be set. :param int/float voltage: The voltage to set in Volts. See :py:obj:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.VOLTAGES` for the list of supported values. """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=True) raw_voltage = voltage_to_byte(voltage) self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdSetPortVoltage(raw_port, raw_voltage))
[docs] def switch_supply_on(self, port): """ Switches a port supply on. The previously set voltage will be applied. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port(s) to switch on. """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=True) self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdPortVoltageOnOff(raw_port, 1))
[docs] def switch_supply_off(self, port): """ Switches a port supply off. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port(s) to switch off. """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=True) self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdPortVoltageOnOff(raw_port, 0))
[docs] def set_i2c_frequency(self, port, frequency): """ Sets the I2C frequency to the desired value. The default frequency is 400kHz. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port(s) where the frequency should be set. :param int/float frequency: The frequency to set in Hz (e.g. 400'000 for 400kHz). See :py:obj:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.I2C_FREQUENCIES` for the list of supported values. """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=True) raw_frequency = i2c_frequency_to_byte(frequency) self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdSetI2cFrequency(raw_port, raw_frequency))
[docs] def scan_i2c(self, port, first_address=1, last_address=127): """ Scans for I2C devices on a specific port within a certain address range. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port where the scan should be executed. Note that :py:attr:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort.ALL` is not supported here. :param byte first_address: First address to scan (1..127), defaults to 1. :param byte last_address: Last address to scan (1..127 and >= first address), defaults to 127. :return: List of addresses which responded to the scan. Empty list if no device responded. :rtype: list of byte """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=False) response = self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdI2cScan(raw_port, first_address, last_address)) return list(bytearray(response)) # Py2/3 compatible conversion to list
[docs] def transceive_i2c(self, port, address, tx_data, rx_length, timeout_us): """ Transceives an I2C frame on a certain port. .. note:: If an I2C error (NACK or timeout) occured, this method raises an exception. So the returned RX data is guaranteed to be valid in terms of there was no I2C communication issue. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port where the transceive should be executed. Note that :py:attr:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort.ALL` is not supported here. :param byte address: I2C address of the targeted device. :param bytes-like/list tx_data: Raw data (bytes) to send. Pass an empty list or bytes-like object if no write operation is needed. :param int rx_length: Number of bytes to receive. :param int/float timeout_us: I2C timeout (in Microseconds) when reading bytes. If a frame is NACK'd it will be retried up to the timeout value. Same applies for clock stretching. Note that floats can be passes for convenience, they will be casted to integer internally. :return: Received data from the I2C read operation. Empty bytes if no data was read. :rtype: bytes """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=False) max_tx_len_per_frame = 255 - 15 # max frame length minus fixed payload log.debug("SensorBridgeShdlcDevice transceive I2C frame with " "address=0x{:2X} rx_length={} timeout={}us tx_data=[{}]" .format(address, rx_length, int(timeout_us), ", ".join( ["0x%.2X" % i for i in bytearray(tx_data)]))) # first frame tx_len_sent = min(len(tx_data), max_tx_len_per_frame) rx_data = self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdFirstTransceive( raw_port, address, len(tx_data), rx_length, int(timeout_us), tx_data[0:tx_len_sent])) # send remaining TX data while tx_len_sent < len(tx_data): tx_len = min(len(tx_data) - tx_len_sent, max_tx_len_per_frame) rx_data += self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdSubsequentTransceive( raw_port, tx_data[tx_len_sent:tx_len_sent + tx_len])) tx_len_sent += tx_len # receive remaining RX data while len(rx_data) < rx_length: rx = self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdSubsequentTransceive( raw_port, [])) assert len(rx) > 0 rx_data += rx log.debug("SensorBridgeShdlcDevice received I2C frame: [{}]".format( ", ".join(["0x%.2X" % i for i in bytearray(rx_data)]))) return rx_data
[docs] def start_repeated_i2c_transceive(self, port, interval_us, address, tx_data, rx_length, timeout_us, read_delay_us=0): """ Starts an asynchronous I2C transceive command in a specific interval. Multiple parallel repeated transceives are possible. The returned data is stored in a buffer and can be read out with the :py:meth:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.device.SensorBridgeShdlcDevice.read_buffer` method. .. note:: This method returns a handle for each repeated transceive operation. You have to store these handles since they are needed to fetch the received data with :py:meth:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.device.SensorBridgeShdlcDevice.read_buffer` and to stop the transceive with :py:meth:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.device.SensorBridgeShdlcDevice.stop_repeated_i2c_transceive`. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port(s) where the repeated transceive should be started. :param int/float interval_us: The interval in Microseconds. Note that floats can be passes for convenience, they will be casted to integer internally. :param byte address: I2C address of the targeted device. :param bytes-like/list tx_data: Raw data (bytes) to send. Pass an empty list or bytes-like object if no write operation is needed. :param int rx_length: Number of bytes to receive. Set to zero if no read operation is needed. :param int/float timeout_us: I2C timeout (in Microseconds) when reading bytes. If a frame is NACK'd it will be retried up to the timeout value. Same applies for clock stretching. Note that floats can be passes for convenience, they will be casted to integer internally. :param int/float read_delay_us: This time (in Microseconds) will be inserted between the write and the read frame to allow a device taking a certain amount of time for its measurements. The delay must be smaller than the specified timeout. Defaults to 0, i.e. no delay is inserted. Note that floats can be passes for convenience, they will be casted to integer internally. :return: Either one handle or two handles for the started transceive operations, depending on whether the transceive was started on a single channel or on both channels. If :py:attr:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort.ALL` was passed as port, a tuple of two handles is returned. :rtype: :py:class:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.types.RepeatedTransceiveHandle` or a tuple of it """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=True) raw_handles = self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdI2cRepeatedTransceive( int(interval_us), raw_port, address, len(tx_data), rx_length, int(timeout_us), int(read_delay_us), tx_data)) handles = [RepeatedTransceiveHandle(h, rx_length) for h in bytearray(raw_handles)] return handles[0] if len(handles) == 1 else tuple(handles)
[docs] def stop_repeated_i2c_transceive(self, handle=None): """ Stops a repeated transceive operation. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.types.RepeatedTransceiveHandle handle: The handle of the repeated transceive which should be stopped (the object which was returned by :py:meth:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.device.SensorBridgeShdlcDevice.start_repeated_i2c_transceive` ). Pass None (the default) to stop all active repeated transceives. """ # noqa: E501 raw_handle = 0xFF if (handle is None) else handle.raw_handle self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdStopRepeatedTransceive(raw_handle))
[docs] def read_buffer(self, handle, max_reads=100): """ Reads data stored in the buffer of a repeated transceive. This method sends "read buffer" commands to the device until the whole buffer was read out (since the SHDLC frame length is limited, it's not possible to read out the whole buffer with a single command). The received values will automatically be removed from the buffer in the device, so you will only get the values received since the last call to this method. .. warning:: If you call this method too rarely, the buffer in the device will overrun, i.e. the oldest values are lost. You should check for lost values by reading the property :py:attr:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.types.ReadBufferResponse.lost_bytes` of the returned object. This method does not raise an exception if there are values lost since depending on the use-case, this might be expected behavior. .. note:: If the buffer gets filled faster than you read it out, it's not possible to read out the whole buffer. In that case, the property :py:attr:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.types.ReadBufferResponse.remaining_bytes` of the returned object will hold a value greater than zero. You might want to check this property to be sure the whole buffer was read out. However, often that's not needed since sooner or later you will also get a buffer overrun in this situation. .. note:: This method doesn't raise an exception if there occurred I2C errors (e.g. NACK or timeout) in the transceived I2C frames because this might be expected behavior in some cases. In addition, if only some of the frames contain errors, probably you still want to get all the valid frames. See documentation of :py:class:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.types.BufferedValue` to see how to get exceptions in case of I2C errors. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.types.RepeatedTransceiveHandle handle: The handle of the repeated transceive from which the data should be returned (the object which was returned by :py:meth:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.device.SensorBridgeShdlcDevice.start_repeated_i2c_transceive`). :param int max_reads: The maximum count of read commands which should be sent until the read operation will be aborted. This abort condition is needed to avoid an infinite loop if the buffer gets filled faster than it can be read out. :return: A buffer object containing some metadata and the buffered data received from the I2C device. See :py:class:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.types.ReadBufferResponse` for details. :rtype: :py:class:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.types.ReadBufferResponse` """ # noqa: E501 total_lost_bytes = 0 total_rx_data = bytes() for i in range(0, max_reads): lost_bytes, remaining_bytes, rx_data = \ self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdReadBuffer(handle.raw_handle)) total_lost_bytes += lost_bytes total_rx_data += rx_data if remaining_bytes == 0: break return ReadBufferResponse(handle.rx_length, total_lost_bytes, remaining_bytes, total_rx_data)
[docs] def set_spi_config(self, port, mode, frequency): """ Sets the SPI mode and frequency. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port(s) which should be configured. :param byte mode: The SPI mode to use. Allowed values are [0, 1, 2, 3]. :param int/float frequency: The frequency to set in Hz (e.g. 330'000 for 330kHz). See :py:obj:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SPI_FREQUENCIES` for the list of supported values. """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=True) raw_mode = int(mode) raw_frequency = spi_frequency_to_byte(frequency) self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdSpiConfig(raw_port, raw_mode, raw_frequency))
[docs] def transceive_spi(self, port, tx_data): """ Transceives an SPI frame on a certain port. :param ~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort port: The port where the transceive should be executed. Note that :py:attr:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.definitions.SensorBridgePort.ALL` is not supported here. :param bytes-like/list tx_data: Raw data (bytes) to send. :return: Received bytes (same number of bytes as tx_data). :rtype: bytes """ raw_port = port_to_byte(port, accept_all=False) return self.execute(SensorBridgeCmdSpiTransceive( raw_port, len(tx_data), tx_data))
[docs] def update_firmware(self, image, emergency=False, status_callback=None, progress_callback=None): """Update the firmware on the device. This method allows you to download a new firmware (provided as a \\*.hex file) to the device. A device reset is performed after the firmware update. .. note:: This can take several minutes, don't abort it! If aborted, the device stays in the bootloader and you need to restart the update with ``emergency=True`` to recover. .. warning:: If the SEK-SensorBridge is connected through RS485 together with other SHDLC devices on the same bus, make sure that no other device has the slave address 0 and baudrate 115200! These connection settings are used by the bootloader and thus two devices would respond to the bootloader commands. If an update fails because of this, you will have to disconnect the other device with address 0 and do an emergency update to recover this device. :param image: The image to flash, either as a :class:`~sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge.firmware_image.SensorBridgeFirmwareImage` object, a file-like object, or the filename (``str``) to the \\*.hex file. :param bool emergency: Must be set to ``True`` if the device is already in bootloader mode, ``False`` otherwise. :param callable status_callback: Optional callback for status report, taking a string as parameter. :param callable progress_callback: Optional callback for progress report, taking a float (progress in percent) as parameter. :raises ~sensirion_shdlc_driver.errors.ShdlcFirmwareImageIncompatibilityError: If the image is not compatible with the connected device. :raises Exception: On other errors. """ # noqa: E501 if not isinstance(image, SensorBridgeFirmwareImage): image = SensorBridgeFirmwareImage(image) update = ShdlcFirmwareUpdate(self, image, status_callback=status_callback, progress_callback=progress_callback) update.execute(emergency=emergency)