Source code for sensirion_i2c_svm40.commands.wrapped

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2020 Sensirion AG, Switzerland

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from .generated import Svm40I2cCmdGetVersion as GetVersionGenerated
from .generated import Svm40I2cCmdReadMeasuredValuesAsIntegers as \
from .generated import \
    Svm40I2cCmdReadMeasuredValuesAsIntegersWithRawParameters as \
from .generated import Svm40I2cCmdGetTemperatureOffsetForRhtMeasurements as \
from .generated import Svm40I2cCmdSetTemperatureOffsetForRhtMeasurements as \
from ..version_types import FirmwareVersion, HardwareVersion, \
    ProtocolVersion, Version
from ..response_types import AirQuality, Humidity, Temperature

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Svm40I2cCmdGetVersion(GetVersionGenerated): """ Get Version I²C Command Gets the version information for the hardware, firmware and protocol. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ super(Svm40I2cCmdGetVersion, self).__init__()
[docs] def interpret_response(self, data): """ Validates the CRCs of the received data from the device and returns the interpreted data. :param bytes data: Received raw bytes from the read operation. :return: The device version as a Version object. :rtype: ~sensirion_i2c_svm40.version_types.Version :raise ~sensirion_i2c_driver.errors.I2cChecksumError: If a received CRC was wrong. """ firmware_major, firmware_minor, firmware_debug, hardware_major, \ hardware_minor, protocol_major, protocol_minor, _ = \ GetVersionGenerated.interpret_response(self, data) return Version( firmware=FirmwareVersion( major=firmware_major, minor=firmware_minor, debug=firmware_debug ), hardware=HardwareVersion( major=hardware_major, minor=hardware_minor ), protocol=ProtocolVersion( major=protocol_major, minor=protocol_minor ) )
[docs]class Svm40I2cCmdGetTemperatureOffsetForRhtMeasurements(GetTOffsetGenerated): """ Get Temperature Offset For Rht Measurements I²C Command Gets the T-Offset for the temperature compensation of the RHT algorithm. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ super(Svm40I2cCmdGetTemperatureOffsetForRhtMeasurements, self) \ .__init__()
[docs] def interpret_response(self, data): """ Validates the CRCs of the received data from the device and returns the interpreted data. :param bytes data: Received raw bytes from the read operation. :return: Temperature offset in degrees celsius. :rtype: float :raise ~sensirion_i2c_driver.errors.I2cChecksumError: If a received CRC was wrong. """ result = GetTOffsetGenerated.interpret_response(self, data) return float(result) / 200. # scaled int16
[docs]class Svm40I2cCmdSetTemperatureOffsetForRhtMeasurements(SetTOffsetGenerated): """ Set Temperature Offset For Rht Measurements I²C Command Sets the T-Offset for the temperature compensation of the RHT algorithm. """
[docs] def __init__(self, t_offset): """ Constructor. :param float t_offset: Temperature offset in degrees celsius. """ super(Svm40I2cCmdSetTemperatureOffsetForRhtMeasurements, self) \ .__init__(int(round(t_offset * 200))) # scaled int16
[docs]class Svm40I2cCmdReadMeasuredValues(ReadMeasuredValuesAsIntGenerated): """ Returns the new measurement results. .. note:: This command is only available in measurement mode. The firmware updates the measurement values every second. Polling data with a faster sampling rate will return the same values. The first measurement is available 1 second after the start measurement command is issued. Any readout prior to this will return zero initialized values. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ super(Svm40I2cCmdReadMeasuredValues, self).__init__()
[docs] def interpret_response(self, data): """ Validates the CRCs of the received data from the device and returns the interpreted data. :param bytes data: Received raw bytes from the read operation. :return: The measured air quality, humidity and temperature. - air_quality (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_svm40.response_types.AirQuality`) - Air quality response object. - humidity (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_svm40.response_types.Humidity`) - Humidity response object. - temperature (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_svm40.response_types.Temperature`) - Temperature response object. :rtype: tuple :raise ~sensirion_i2c_driver.errors.I2cChecksumError: If a received CRC was wrong. """ # noqa: E501 voc_index, humidity, temperature = \ ReadMeasuredValuesAsIntGenerated.interpret_response(self, data) return AirQuality(voc_index), Humidity(humidity), \ Temperature(temperature)
[docs]class Svm40I2cCmdReadMeasuredValuesRaw(ReadMeasuredValuesAsIntRawGenerated): """ Returns the new measurement results with raw values added. .. note:: This command is only available in measurement mode. The firmware updates the measurement values every second. Polling data with a faster sampling rate will return the same values. The first measurement is available 1 second after the start measurement command is issued. Any readout prior to this will return zero initialized values. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ super(Svm40I2cCmdReadMeasuredValuesRaw, self).__init__()
[docs] def interpret_response(self, data): """ Validates the CRCs of the received data from the device and returns the interpreted data. :param bytes data: Received raw bytes from the read operation. :return: The measured air quality, humidity and temperature including the raw values without algorithm compensation. - air_quality (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_svm40.response_types.AirQuality`) - Air quality response object. - humidity (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_svm40.response_types.Humidity`) - Humidity response object. - temperature (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_svm40.response_types.Temperature`) - Temperature response object. - raw_voc_ticks (int) - Raw VOC output ticks as read from the SGP sensor. - raw_humidity (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_svm40.response_types.Humidity`) - Humidity response object. - raw_temperature (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_svm40.response_types.Temperature`) - Temperature response object. :rtype: tuple :raise ~sensirion_i2c_driver.errors.I2cChecksumError: If a received CRC was wrong. """ # noqa: E501 voc_index, humidity, temperature, \ raw_voc_ticks, raw_humidity, raw_temperature = \ ReadMeasuredValuesAsIntRawGenerated.interpret_response(self, data) return AirQuality(voc_index), Humidity(humidity), \ Temperature(temperature), raw_voc_ticks, Humidity(raw_humidity), \ Temperature(raw_temperature)