Quick Start


In order to correctly select I²C as interface, the interface select pin must be pulled low to GND before or at the same time the sensor is powered up.

Linux I²C Bus Example

Following example code shows how to use this driver with a Sensirion SEN5x connected to a Linux I²C bus (e.g. Raspberry Pi).

import time
from sensirion_i2c_driver import I2cConnection, LinuxI2cTransceiver
from sensirion_i2c_sen5x import Sen5xI2cDevice

with LinuxI2cTransceiver('/dev/i2c-1') as i2c_transceiver:
    device = Sen5xI2cDevice(I2cConnection(i2c_transceiver))

    # Print some device information
    print("Version: {}".format(device.get_version()))
    print("Product Name: {}".format(device.get_product_name()))
    print("Serial Number: {}".format(device.get_serial_number()))

    # Perform a device reset (reboot firmware)

    # Start measurement
    for i in range(10):
        # Wait until next result is available
        print("Waiting for new data...")
        while device.read_data_ready() is False:

        # Read measured values -> clears the "data ready" flag
        values = device.read_measured_values()

        # Access a specific value separately (see Sen5xMeasuredValues)
        mass_concentration = values.mass_concentration_2p5.physical
        ambient_temperature = values.ambient_temperature.degrees_celsius

        # Read device status
        status = device.read_device_status()
        print("Device Status: {}\n".format(status))

    # Stop measurement
    print("Measurement stopped.")

SensorBridge Example

Following example code shows how to use this driver with a Sensirion SEN5x connected to the computer using a Sensirion SEK-SensorBridge. The driver for the SensorBridge can be installed with pip install sensirion-shdlc-sensorbridge.

import time
from sensirion_shdlc_driver import ShdlcSerialPort, ShdlcConnection
from sensirion_shdlc_sensorbridge import SensorBridgePort, \
    SensorBridgeShdlcDevice, SensorBridgeI2cProxy
from sensirion_i2c_driver import I2cConnection
from sensirion_i2c_sen5x import Sen5xI2cDevice

# Connect to the SensorBridge with default settings:
#  - baudrate:      460800
#  - slave address: 0
with ShdlcSerialPort(port='COM1', baudrate=460800) as port:
    bridge = SensorBridgeShdlcDevice(ShdlcConnection(port), slave_address=0)
    print("SensorBridge SN: {}".format(bridge.get_serial_number()))

    # Configure SensorBridge port 1 for SEN5x
    bridge.set_i2c_frequency(SensorBridgePort.ONE, frequency=100e3)
    bridge.set_supply_voltage(SensorBridgePort.ONE, voltage=5.0)

    # Create SEN5x device
    i2c_transceiver = SensorBridgeI2cProxy(bridge, port=SensorBridgePort.ONE)
    device = Sen5xI2cDevice(I2cConnection(i2c_transceiver))

    # Print some device information
    print("Version: {}".format(device.get_version()))
    print("Product Name: {}".format(device.get_product_name()))
    print("Serial Number: {}".format(device.get_serial_number()))

    # Perform a device reset (reboot firmware)

    # Start measurement
    for i in range(10):
        # Wait until next result is available
        print("Waiting for new data...")
        while device.read_data_ready() is False:

        # Read measured values -> clears the "data ready" flag
        values = device.read_measured_values()

        # Access a specific value separately (see Sen5xMeasuredValues)
        mass_concentration = values.mass_concentration_2p5.physical
        ambient_temperature = values.ambient_temperature.degrees_celsius

        # Read device status
        status = device.read_device_status()
        print("Device Status: {}\n".format(status))

    # Stop measurement
    print("Measurement stopped.")