API Documentation


class sensirion_uart_scc1.protocols.i2c_transceiver.I2cTransceiver(*args, **kwargs)
execute(slave_addr: int, rx_tx: RxTx) Tuple[Any, ...]

Compatibility method for driver adapters.

  • slave_addr – i2c slave address

  • rx_tx – Object containing the information to execute the communication with the device


interpreted results

transceive(slave_address: int, tx_data: bytes | None, rx_length: int | None, read_delay: float, timeout: float) bytes

Send data to the sensor and receive back a response. This function can be used for sending or receiving only as well.

  • slave_address – I2c address of the sensor.

  • tx_data – The data to be sent. In case no data shall be sent, this parameter is supposed to be None

  • rx_length – Length of the repsonse of the sensor. If the request does not have a response, this parameter may be 0.

  • read_delay – Defines the time in seconds that needs to be observed after sending the data before the read is initiated.

  • timeout – Defines the time after receiving the response from the sensor before the next command may be sent.

class sensirion_uart_scc1.protocols.i2c_transceiver.RxTx(*args, **kwargs)

An object which conforms to this protocol is supplied by the I2cChannel when using the public python drivers.

interpret_response(data: bytes | None) Tuple[Any, ...] | None

Split the byte array from the response into the fields of the command.


data – The byte array that needs to be interpreted.


A tuple with the interpreted data.

property read_delay: float

Time between writing and reading an i2c command.

property rx_length: int | None

Number of bytes to read

property tx_data: bytes | None

The byte array with the data to be sent

class sensirion_uart_scc1.protocols.shdlc_transceiver.ShdlcTransceiver(*args, **kwargs)
transceive(command: int, data: bytes | Iterable, timeout: float = -1.0) bytes | None

Wrapper method for legacy shdlc-driver compatibility.

  • command – The command to send (one byte)

  • data – byte array of the data to send as arguments to the command

  • timeout – response timeout in seconds (-1 for using default value)


The returned data as bytes


exception sensirion_uart_scc1.scc1_exceptions.Scc1InvalidDataReceived

Indicates the reception of invalid data from the device

exception sensirion_uart_scc1.scc1_exceptions.Scc1InvalidProductId(product_id: int)

Indicates a product id that is not supported

exception sensirion_uart_scc1.scc1_exceptions.Scc1NotSupportedException

Indicates a feature that is not (yet) supported.


class sensirion_uart_scc1.scc1_shdlc_device.Scc1ShdlcDevice(connection: ShdlcConnection, slave_address: int = 0)

The Scc1 SHDLC device is used to communicate with various sensors using the Sensirion SCC1 sensor cable.

property com_port: str
property connected_i2c_addresses: List[int]

Returns the connected I2C addresses. You need to call find_chips to fill this attribute.

find_chips() List[int]

Looking for chips on all ports and sets the _connected_i2c_addresses attribute :return: List of connected addresses

property firmware_version: Version
get_i2c_transceiver() I2cTransceiver

An I2cTransceiver object is required in or der to use the cable with public python i2c drivers.

In general, all functionality of the sensors is available in the public python drivers as well. The throughput of the public python driver will be lower than the throughput that can be achieved with the sensor-specific api of the SCC1 sensor cable.

get_sensor_address() int | None

the configured i2c address

get_sensor_type() int | None

the configured sensor type

perform_i2c_scan() List[int]

Looks for i2c devices within a certain range on a certain port :return: List of i2c addresses that responded to the scan

sensor_reset() None

Execute a hard reset on the sensor and check for the correct response. Active continuous/single measurement is stopped, and the sensor is left in idle state.

property serial_number: str
set_sensor_address(i2c_address: int) None

Configure the sensors i2c address and write it to EEPROM :param i2c_address: the i2c address

set_sensor_type(sensor_type: int)

Set sensor type 0: Flow Sensor (SF04 based products) 1: Humidity Sensor (SHTxx products) 2: Flow Sensor (SF05 based products) 3: Flow Sensor (SF06 based products) (Firmware ≥1.7) 4: Reserved :param sensor_type: One of the supported sensor types 0-4

transceive(command: int, data: bytes | Iterable, timeout: float = -1.0) bytes | None

Provides a generic way to send shdlc commands.

  • command – The command to send (one byte).

  • data – Byte array of the data to send as arguments to the command.

  • timeout – Response timeout in seconds (-1 for using default value).


The returned data as bytes.


class sensirion_uart_scc1.drivers.scc1_slf3x.Scc1Slf3x(device: Scc1ShdlcDevice, liquid_mode: SlfMode = SlfMode.LIQUI_1)

Scc1 Slf3x Sensor Driver

The Scc1 provides features to support the Slf3x liquid flow sensors. This driver accesses the sensor through the API specified by scc1.


Sensor type for Slf3x

get_flow_unit_and_scale(command: int | None = None) Tuple[int, int] | None

Get the scale factor, unit and sensor sanity check result of the sensor for the given argument. (only available on some SLF3x sensor products)


command – The 16-bit command to read flow unit and scale factor for. If no value is supplied the actual measurement command is used


A tuple with (scale_factor, flow_unit), None if command is not supported

get_last_measurement() Tuple[int, int, int] | None

Read current measurement and starts internal continuous measurement with configured interval, if not already started.


A tuple with flow, temperature and flag

get_liquid_mode_name(mode: SlfMode) str

Get the name of the liquid


mode – A liquid mode


Get name of a specific liquid measurement mode

get_serial_number() int

Get the serial number of the device.


The sensor serial number

property liquid_mode: SlfMode

Liquid measurement mode

property liquid_mode_name: str

Get the name of the liquid.


Name of current liquid measurement mode

property product_id: int

Get the product Id


The product identifier as integer

read_extended_buffer() Tuple[int, int, List[Tuple[Any, ...]]]

Read out measurement buffer


A tuple with (bytes_remaining, bytes_lost, data)

property sampling_interval_ms: int

Sampling interval for synchronous measurement


Current internal sampling interval

property serial_number: int

Get the serial number


The serial number as integer

start_continuous_measurement(interval_ms=0) None

Start a continuous measurement with a give interval.


interval_ms – Measurement interval in milliseconds.

stop_continuous_measurement() None

Stop continuous measurement