Source code for sensirion_i2c_sgp4x.sgp41.device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2021 Sensirion AG, Switzerland

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from sensirion_i2c_driver import I2cDevice

from .commands import Sgp41I2cCmdExecuteConditioning, Sgp41I2cCmdMeasureRawSignals, \
    Sgp41I2cCmdExecuteSelfTest, Sgp41I2cCmdGetSerialNumber, Sgp41I2cCmdTurnHeaterOff

[docs]class Sgp41I2cDevice(I2cDevice): """ SGP41 I²C device class to allow executing I²C commands. """
[docs] def __init__(self, connection, slave_address=0x59): """ Constructs a new SGP41 I²C device. :param ~sensirion_i2c_driver.connection.I2cConnection connection: The I²C connection to use for communication. :param byte slave_address: The I²C slave address, defaults to 0x59. """ super(Sgp41I2cDevice, self).__init__(connection, slave_address)
[docs] def get_serial_number(self): """ Get Serial Number :return: 48-bit serial number as int :rtype: int """ word0, word1, word2 = self.execute(Sgp41I2cCmdGetSerialNumber()) return word0 << 32 | word1 << 16 | word2
[docs] def conditioning(self, relative_humidity=None, temperature=None): """ This command starts the conditioning, i.e., the VOC pixel will be operated at the same temperature as it is by calling the measure_raw command while the NOx pixel will be operated at a different temperature for conditioning. This command returns only the measured raw signal of the VOC pixel SRAW_VOC WARNING: To avoid damage to the sensing material the conditioning must not exceed 10s! :param relative_humidity: relative humidity in percent. Defaults to 50% RH :param temperature: temperature in degree celsius. Defaults to 25°C :return: raw VOC signal (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_sgp4x.sgp41.response_types.Sgp41SrawVoc`) :rtype: :py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_sgp4x.sgp41.response_types.Sgp41SrawVoc` """ if relative_humidity is None: rh_raw = 0x8000 else: rh_raw = int(relative_humidity * 65535 / 100) if temperature is None: t_raw = 0x6666 else: t_raw = int((temperature + 45) * 65535 / 175) return self.execute(Sgp41I2cCmdExecuteConditioning(rh_raw, t_raw))
[docs] def measure_raw(self, relative_humidity=None, temperature=None): """ Read raw VOC signal and raw NOx signal :param relative_humidity: relative humidity in percent. Defaults to 50% RH :param temperature: temperature in degree celsius. Defaults to 25°C :return: - raw VOC signal (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_sgp4x.sgp41.response_types.Sgp41SrawVoc`) - raw NOx signal (:py:class:`~sensirion_i2c_sgp4x.sgp41.response_types.Sgp41SrawNox`) :rtype: tuple """ if relative_humidity is None: rh_raw = 0x8000 else: rh_raw = int(relative_humidity * 65535 / 100) if temperature is None: t_raw = 0x6666 else: t_raw = int((temperature + 45) * 65535 / 175) return self.execute(Sgp41I2cCmdMeasureRawSignals(rh_raw, t_raw))
[docs] def turn_heater_off(self): """ Turn Heater Off I²C Command This command turns the hotplate off and stops the measurement. Subsequently, the sensor enters the idle mode. """ return self.execute(Sgp41I2cCmdTurnHeaterOff())
[docs] def measure_test(self): """ Measure Test This command triggers the built-in self-test checking for integrity of the hotplate and MOX material and returns the result of this test as 2 bytes :return: 0xD400: all tests passed successfully or 0x4B00: one or more tests have failed :rtype: uint16 """ return self.execute(Sgp41I2cCmdExecuteSelfTest())