API Reference


class sensirion_i2c_driver.device.I2cDevice(connection, slave_address)[source]

Base class for all I²C devices. Users should inherit from this class when implementing new I²C device drivers.

The most important functionality of this class is the convenience method execute() which allows derived classes to easily execute an I2cCommand object.

__init__(connection, slave_address)[source]

Create an I²C device instance on a given connection.

  • connection (I2cConnection) – The I²C connection used to execute the commands.
  • slave_address (byte) – The I²C slave address of the device.

Get the used I²C connection.

Returns:The used I²C connection.
Return type:I2cConnection

Get the I²C slave address.

Returns:The I²C slave address.
Return type:byte

Execute an I²C command on this device.

Parameters:command (I2cCommand) – The command to be executed.
Returns:The interpreted response of the executed command.
Return type:Depends on the executed command.


class sensirion_i2c_driver.connection.I2cConnection(transceiver)[source]

I²C connection class to allow executing I²C commands with a higher-level, transceiver-independent API.

The connection supports two different modes of operation: Single channel and multi channel. See single_multi_channel_mode for details.


Creates an I²C connection object.

Parameters:transceiver – An I²C transceiver object of any API version (type depends on the used hardware).

Set this to True to enforce the behaviour of a multi-channel connection, even if a single-channel transceiver is used. In particular, it makes the method execute() always returning a list, without throwing an exception in case of communication errors. This might be useful for applications where both, single-channel and multi-channel communication is needed.


Check whether execute() will return a single-channel or multi-channel response.

A multi-channel response is returned if either always_multi_channel_response is set to True, or the underlying transceiver is multi-channel.

Returns:True if multi-channel, False if single-channel.
Return type:Bool
execute(slave_address, command, wait_post_process=True)[source]

Perform write and read operations of an I²C command and wait for the post processing time, if needed.


The response data type of this method depends on whether this is a single-channel or multi-channel connection. This can be determined by reading the property is_multi_channel.

  • slave_address (byte) – The slave address of the device to communicate with.
  • command (I2cCommand) – The command to execute.
  • wait_post_process (bool) – If True and the passed command needs some time for post processing, this method waits until post processing is done.

  • In single channel mode: The interpreted data of the command.
  • In multi-channel mode: A list containing either interpreted data of the command (on success) or an Exception object (on error) for every channel.


In single-channel mode, an exception is raised in case of communication errors.

I2cTransceiver V1

class sensirion_i2c_driver.transceiver_v1.I2cTransceiverV1[source]

Interface to be implemented by every I²C transceiver with API version 1.


API version (accessed by I2cConnection)


Status code for “transceive operation succeeded”.


Status code for “channel disabled error”.


Status code for “not acknowledged error”.


Status code for “timeout error”.


Status code for “unspecified error”.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Description of the transceiver (for logging/debugging purposes). Should be a short one-line string.

Return type:str

Channel count of this transceiver. This is needed by I2cConnection to determine whether this is a single-channel or multi-channel transceiver, and how many channels it has (in case of multi-channel).

Returns:The channel count if it’s a multi-channel transceiver, or None if it’s a single-channel transceiver.
Return type:int/None
transceive(slave_address, tx_data, rx_length, read_delay, timeout)[source]

Transceive an I²C frame synchronously.

  • slave_address (byte) – The I²C address of the slave to communicate with.
  • tx_data (bytes/None) – The data to send. If empty, only the write header (without data) is sent. If None, no write header is sent at all.
  • rx_length (int/None) – Number of bytes to read. If zero, only the read header is sent, without reading any data. If None, no read header is sent at all.
  • read_delay (float) – Delay before sending the read header in Seconds.
  • timeout (float) – Timeout (for clock stretching) in Seconds. If the clock gets stretched longer than this time, the transceive operation is aborted with timeout error.

  • A status code of the transceive operation
  • In case of errors, the underlying (transceiver-dependent) exception
  • The received data from the read operation

Return type:

  • If single-channel: tuple(int, Exception, bytes)
  • If multi-channel: list(tuple(int, Exception, bytes))


Only raises a (transceiver-specific) exception if the operation could not be executed at all. If the operation was executed but failed with NACK or timeout, no exception is raised. These errors are reported by the returned status code instead.


class sensirion_i2c_driver.linux_i2c_transceiver.LinuxI2cTransceiver(device_file, do_open=True)[source]

Transceiver for the Linux I²C kernel driver, for example to use the I²C pins of a Raspberry Pi.


This class can be used in a “with”-statement, and it’s recommended to do so as it automatically closes the device file after using it.


API version (accessed by I2cConnection)


Status code for “transceive operation succeeded”.


Status code for “channel disabled error”.


Status code for “not acknowledged error”.


Status code for “timeout error”.


Status code for “unspecified error”.

__init__(device_file, do_open=True)[source]

Create a transceiver for a given I²C device file and (optionally) open it for read/write access.

  • device_file (str) – Path to the I²C device file, for example “/dev/i2c-1”.
  • do_open (bool) – Whether the file should be opened immediately or not. If False, you will have to call open() manually before using the transceiver. Defaults to True.

Open the I²C port (only needs to be called if do_open in __init__() was set to False.


Close (release) the device file.


Description of the transceiver.

For details (e.g. return value documentation), please refer to description.


Channel count of this transceiver.

For details (e.g. return value documentation), please refer to channel_count.

transceive(slave_address, tx_data, rx_length, read_delay, timeout)[source]

Transceive an I²C frame in single-channel mode.

For details (e.g. parameter documentation), please refer to transceive().


The timeout parameter is not supported (i.e. ignored) since we can’t specify the clock stretching timeout. It depends on the underlying hardware whether clock stretching is supported at all or not, and what timeout value is used.


class sensirion_i2c_driver.command.I2cCommand(tx_data, rx_length, read_delay, timeout, post_processing_time=0.0)[source]

Base class for all I²C commands.

__init__(tx_data, rx_length, read_delay, timeout, post_processing_time=0.0)[source]

Constructs a new I²C command.

  • tx_data (bytes-like/list/None) – Bytes to be sent to the I²C device. None means that no write header will be sent at all. An empty list/bytes object means to send the write header, but without data following it.
  • rx_length (int/None) – Number of bytes to be read from the I²C device. None means that no read header is sent at all. Zero means to send the read header, but without reading any data.
  • read_delay (float) – Delay (in Seconds) to be inserted between the end of the write operation and the beginning of the read operation. This is needed if the device needs some time to prepare the RX data, e.g. if it has to perform a measurement. Set to 0.0 to indicate that no delay is needed, i.e. the device does not need any processing time.
  • timeout (float) – Timeout (in Seconds) to be used in case of clock stretching. If the device stretches the clock longer than this value, the transceive operation will be aborted with a timeout error. Set to 0.0 to indicate that the device will not stretch the clock for this command.
  • post_processing_time (float) – Maximum time in seconds the device needs for post processing of this command until it is ready to receive the next command. For example after a device reset command, the device might need some time until it is ready again. Usually this is 0.0s, i.e. no post processing is needed.
rx_length = None

Number of bytes to be read from the device (int/None).

read_delay = None

Delay in Seconds between write and read operation (float).

timeout = None

Timeout in Seconds for clock stretching (float).

post_processing_time = None

Time in Seconds how long the post processing takes (float).


Interprets the raw response from the device and returns it in the proper data type.


This implementation returns the data as-is, or as None if there is no data received. Derived classes may override this method to convert the data to the proper data types.

Parameters:data (bytes) – Received raw bytes from the read operation.
Returns:The received raw bytes, or None if there is no data received.
Return type:bytes or None



class sensirion_i2c_driver.crc_calculator.CrcCalculator(width, polynomial, init_value=0, final_xor=0)[source]

Helper class to calculate arbitrary CRCs. An instance of this class can be called like a function to calculate the CRC of the passed data.


This class is not used within this package, its purpose is to help users writing drivers for I²C devices which protect the transferred data with CRCs.

__init__(width, polynomial, init_value=0, final_xor=0)[source]

Constructs a calculator object with the given CRC parameters.

  • width (int) – Number of bits of the CRC (e.g. 8 for CRC-8).
  • polynomial (int) – The polynomial of the CRC, without leading ‘1’ (e.g. 0x31 for the polynomial x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1).
  • init_value (int) – Initialization value of the CRC. Defaults to 0.
  • final_xor (int) – Final XOR value of the CRC. Defaults to 0.

Calculate the CRC of the given data.

Parameters:data (iterable) – The input data (iterable with values of given bit width, e.g. list of 8-bit integers).
Returns:The calculated CRC.
Return type:int